Here are a few ways a private tutor can help your homeschooled kids develop social skills

Homeschooling has incredible benefits. To make those benefits stick and bloom into new levels of proficiency having a private tutor can take all of your homeschooling efforts to the next level and make you a very proud parent.

We have provided information below that will give you very specific reasons why a private tutor will be of great benefit to your child.

Pod Learning Experience

Pod learning experiences are a new educational trend that has developed in prominence this year. It prides itself on in-person meetings to learn, in a small tight-knit group, with a project-based curriculum. This allows your child to have a more high quality and customized learning experience. It allows your child to develop a more meaningful relationship by having a smaller group of classmates. It opens the door for more positive and direct connections with the teacher. Landon Schertz recognizes that this type of connection is so vital for effective learning.

All of these different dynamics help to nurture your child from various angles. It is not uncommon to see them grow not just educationally, but mentally, emotionally, and socially.

Help Them in Facing Their Fears

When you homeschool, you get to understand where your children are really at, in regards to what they fear. The benefit of homeschooling your kids is to develop social skills, through customizing environments that help them to face their fears.

Landon Schertz knows that since homeschooling has many co-op opportunities, there are many types of classes, workshops in and field trips. Where you can cherry-pick social settings that will cause your child to overcome social barriers.

One of the perks of homeschooling is that it’s a family affair, usually. When you homeschool with other families and interact with them your child is not just learning how to interact with the other kids. They’re also learning how to interact and become comfortable communicating with the adults. This helps children to overcome their shyness with adults. It accelerates their confidence, maturity, and even vocabulary.

Engage in Open-Ended Questions

Landon Schertz suggests the use of Open-ended questions for school-age kids. They are wonderful because it teaches them how to think about what is being asked, and how they should respond. It develops critical thinking.

It gets them out of being just told what to do and how to think. It gives their responses airtime which improves personal development and confidence. If you model how to answer open-ended questions your child will catch on faster.

Asking open-ended questions gives your child the opportunity to explain topics that are being taught. In turn, that helps them to solidify what they have learned. All the while, showing you what has been learned and what might need more work.

Help Them Build a Creative Outlet

Most of the time in typical public or private school settings there’s not enough room for creativity. Creativity opens the door to well-rounded thinking. Those who have plenty of space to be creative are typically great problem solvers, inventors, and brilliant minded. Landon Schertz purports that within the constructs of homeschooling, you can make every part of it as creative as you want it to be. Every subject and every schedule can have elements of creativity that unlock your child’s freedom to express and engage creatively on a regular basis.

Not only that, you can implement certain create classes or activities that a particular child needs or is drawn to. The great thing is that you don’t have to teach them all. Various homeschool groups offer all sorts of classes. There’s also the freedom to try new creative outlets with each new term to help you discover what would be right for your child to stick with.

Help Them Focus on Extracurricular Activities

It is a common conversation amongst adults that homeschooling can limit children’s social abilities. Honestly, that can only happen if parents choose not to engage their children in other activities and environments. Homeschooling has always been in evolution and creating many opportunities for children to be socialized at a high level because of what is available.

Homeschooling can give your children the opportunity to engage in all sorts of extracurricular activities. Those extracurricular activities can be far more widespread, and broad than what traditional schooling has to offer. Those extracurricular activities can be more in alignment with what they actually really like or are interested in. For older homeschool kids who know what they want to study in college, can choose extracurricular activities that support their goals after Junior high and High School.

Landon Schertz can be a great support to a homeschool family. To help add a framework of educational support, reinforcement of developing social skills by having someone outside of the family your kid(s) can relate to.